Alistair Horscroft and The Mind Academy trainers have been teaching, helping and speaking on the mind and human behaviour for over 20 years.

Millions of viewers, T.V shows, magazine and newspaper features, thousands of students, tens of thousands of therapy and coaching sessions run through graduate practitioners. This is a lot of experience and feedback to help clarify what works and what is at the heart of what we believe.

So, we’ve summarised our core beliefs down to eight key points: the manifesto of The Mind Academy.

Here you go…


We all have two versions of ourselves: regulated and de-regulated. The regulated you is able to respond, be in control and making thoughtful choices. On the flip side, the de-regulated you reacts, driven by unresolved issues—traumas, unmet needs, and more.

Being regulated is your superpower. Regulated living is intentional living. It's your tool to navigate life's with awareness, clarity and purpose. The fundamental aim is to do the inner work needed to become regulated, free of the problematic unconscious impulses and reactions that cause suffering, disconnection and living from anxieties and insecurities.


Functional Oneness (originally presented through the work of Mike Hockney) suggests that each of us possesses a unique mind and life journey. However, the true magic happens when these individual minds align toward a common goal—creating beauty, achieving excellence, and building a better world. Individual minds, each on a unique journey, yet capable of aligning to create a whole greater than the sum of its parts.

In this shared pursuit, the power lies not just in the individual, but in the collective unity of minds. When minds align, their combined strength and creativity amplify, reaching heights that individual efforts alone cannot achieve.

Functional Oneness recognises the uniqueness of each mind, but understands the extraordinary potential that unfolds when these minds synchronise for a shared purpose—be that within family, business, community, the world at large and even consciousness itself.


The Power in Now, see’s the ‘now’ as a dynamic force rather than a passive moment of awareness. ‘Now’ is an ongoing, ever-evolving capacity that actively transforms both the past and future into a powerful resourceful now.

The power in now encourages us to reframe past experiences, however difficult to empower and enhance the present. The past becomes a rich and empowering resource working for us, not a burden to carry. Likewise the future becomes a canvas of potential where we envision extraordinary versions of ourselves and the goals we desire. The magic happens when we bring this future self and all there capabilities into the present, acting as that evolved version of ourselves now, molding ourselves, our beliefs, our behaviours into who we are now.

Understanding the power of now creates a powerful synergy in the present moment as we weave our past, future and now into real power.

The Power In Now is quite different to the popular work known as the Power Of Now. We see the Power Of Now as a passive relationship to life and the Power In Now as an active engagement with life.


In our existence, two parallel realities coexist—the objective, shared reality and the subjective, personal reality. True empowerment occurs when we skill-fully navigate the shared objective reality while simultaneously tapping into the power of our personal subjective realm. When we can work successfully with the external world and our internal perceptions we come most alive and more realise our full potential.

Empowerment, is the art of both actualising and harmonizing these dual realities. By understanding the shared objective reality and embracing the potency of our subjective experience, we unlock a heightened state of influence and agency.


We live in a world where commodification has trained us that we need to simply cope our way through life. Coping is like a subscription model to whatever we are using to get by, and what we use to cope is likely is monetised to the one way benefit of someone.

Real personal power comes through a personal rebellion against coping, with a desire to everything we can to resolve our issues and problems. In this way we can live more fully, with more freedom, not beholden to the monetisation of our problems.


Most therapy and coaching is based on advise, talk and information. This fails people.

It is in processes, the step by step, strategic walk throughs that actually get us from problem to solution. It is in the action of 'doing', of being guided through a strategy of new thought and behaviour that delivers the results people seek.

At The Mind Academy we evolve hypnosis, psychology, NLP, neuroscience, philosophy and coaching into step by step processes that take information into actionable change processes.

We understand that you literally have to ‘walk’ the ‘talk’.


The unconscious mind seeks negentropy (order). It continually wants to re-order at higher and higher levels of awareness and command. Entropy is chaos and the more unresolved we are the more entropic (chaotic) both our mind and life is. On a larger scale, the more a country and it’s population is entropic the more the collective unconscious of that population is entropic.

When our body, business, relationships (and even country) are chaotic, this is a call to action, to establish order at a new and more evolved level. This all is in many ways the hero’s journey. Both the personal and the collective hero’s journey.


The Mind Academy is inspired by the ideal of Apotheosis, from the Greek "apo" (away) and "theos" (god). It is the call to become our best self. It's unlocking the divine within, a journey toward excellence, beauty, and goodness.

In self-development, apotheosis is the destination on the path from potential to actualization, a clear and unwavering call to go beyond the ordinary and strive for the highest ideals. Apotheosis is when we acknowledge the light within ourselves, when we fuel that light and and let it shine as brightly as possible.