Learn how to STOP, AVOID, or HEAL dysfunctional relationships and install the real-world psychology needed to have the SAFE, REAL, and FULFILLING kind that everyone is truly seeking.

Watch Alistair talk through a mind map explainer of the Kings & Queens weekend

The stats on relationships, at first look, don’t look good:

70% of relationships fail within the first year

1 in 2 not happy with sex life

1 in 2 not that happy in their current relationship

The happiest couples need a joint income of over $200k (US) or more a year

20% off men get 80% of women on dating apps

50% of people say dating is harder now than it was ten years ago

50% of marriages end in divorce

84% of people state that their partners mental health affects their relationship

70% of marriages experience an affair

The list goes on…


Their is also much to be hopeful about, people want successful relationships, they want to connect, they want love, and they want the benefits that come from long-term relationships that work, such as decreased death rates, lower anxiety, greater empathy, greater happiness, more fulfilment, deep companionship and shared experiences to name just a few.

The question is, how do we stack the odds in favour of having a truly successful relationship that is both meaningful and magical? This is the way of KINGS and QUEENS.

Over twenty years of working with one-to-one clients and thousands of students, I have pretty much seen and heard it all regarding relationships. Every problem, situation, frustration, confusion, denial, abuse, boundary issue, blame, mother-and-father issue… you name it, I’ve helped someone with it.

I’ve also been lucky enough to have some incredibly successful relationships myself, and a few, shall we say… rather problematic ones.

I’ve walked the talk from dysfunction to genuine magical and meaningful relationship success and I’ve been lucky enough to have received huge thank you’s from countless people who were struggling with relationships or the effect of problem relationships and turned either themselves or their relationship around.

The KINGS & QUEENS weekend is the place to be if you want to get the map and tools required for finding and maintaining magical and meaningful relationships.

Train with Alistair Horscroft

Alistair has spent over two decades working with clients that include international celebrities, CEOs and world champion athletes but most importantly everyday people from all walks of lives who wanted to heal their past and become their best self.

An author of 3 books and numerous world-first programs, he now focuses on teaching, training, and creating the best courses on healing and personal development in the world, which are delivered in Australia, The US, and China.

Known as an expert therapist and coach on many high-profile UK television networks, Alistair was the first person in the world to have his own TV series with The Discovery Channel that showed the power of Hypnosis, NLP, and Coaching. He is also an acknowledged and inspirational speaker—his TEDx has over 1.5 million views, and he has appeared in countless newspapers and magazines, from The Times to The Australian. 

What EXACTLY is covered in the Kings & Queens Seminar?

  • The JKF Frame - the cornerstone of ALL successful, meaningful, and lasting relationships. Discover the foundation for building a love that lasts.

    • The 5 Relationship Stress Reactions and how to handle them within yourself and others. Understand the true reasons for people's behaviours. It will change how you view how people are forever. 

    • The 5 Practical Must-Do's if you want to have magical and meaningful relationships.

    • Understand the difference between a Demand and Develop relationship approach. 

    • What women want

    • What men want

    • The BIG 5 Psychology Test and how it affects your relationship success.

    • The Walls and Windows strategy to avoid emotional and physical affairs.

    • Understanding Love vs Compatibility - Should we fall or walk into love?

    • Learn to spot the famous Dark Triad traits of psychopathy, narcism and machivalianism in people and potential partners so that you avoid the truly hopeless, punishing and abusive relationships.

    • Know whether to stay or leave. Make empowered decisions that honour your heart and your truth without giving up too soon or staying too long.

    • How to remain empowered through difficult conversations. Build the skills to communicate with love and respect, even in the toughest of times.

    • Learn about people's different thinking styles and how to understand them. Without this information, much of how people are will remain a mystery to you.

    • The three love strategies: how to meet your partner's needs and create a love that is fulfilling and satisfying for both of you.

    • Boundaries. Learn how to install successful and healthy personal and relationship boundaries. Create the safety and security you need to thrive within yourself and around others.

    • Understand what 'being vulnerable' actually takes in the real world.

    • The psychology of how to break from a relaxation hierarchy where either the man or woman is in control.

    • Magical Connection. Re-connect with fading love and make it burn bright again. Rediscover the magic and wonder of your love story.

    • The Love Battery - understanding what gives and what takes from your relationship so it thrives. Learn to give and receive in a way that nourishes your love and helps it thrive.

    • Grief resolution: how to heal and come home to yourself after loss so you can be fully with the one you are with now. Find the courage to heal from past wounds and embrace the love that is waiting for you.

    • Conflict resolution. How to deal with conflict successfully. Transform conflict into an opportunity for growth and deeper understanding.

    • Understanding trauma bonds and how to work through them.

    • Understand attachment disorders and how to do the required inner work to build a secure attachment style effectively and efficiently if you are struggling without one.

Get your seat and the table of Kings & Queens.

Limited spots available. Reserve your spot for a two-day event that will give you the map and tools to find, heal, re-ignite and reshape relationships.  

Noosa, South Pacific Resort

12-13 October 2024

$1,000 individual or $1,500 per couple

Payment Plan Available: Divide into 2 payments, 50% upfront and 50% following month.

Everyone deserves a ‘true love’ story.

The question is how do you write a real one into your life that is both meaningful and magical?