Stop settling for a life that is beneath you. 10X your confidence, clarity, and control by using the LIFE HERO mindxsystem to break frustrating and limiting life loops. Instead, take the leaps needed to be what you know you can be in success, health, and relationships.

Imagine a superhero movie.

They all start out pretty much the same: the protagonist meets an almost insurmountable problem or enemy and nearly gets defeated. They lose confidence, question themselves and feel like a failure. Now imagine if the movie ended there! 

There was no finding or unleashing of their inner power, no inspirational training montage where they honed their skills, no epic journey of redemption, no defeat of the enemy or saving the world. Instead, they just gave up as soon as the difficulty or difficulties started. 

Unfortunately, many people don’t get the message that life is hard, that it requires continually adapting, improving, and embracing the struggle, and that they give up or settle when it gets hard. They let their success, health and relationships stagnate or, worse still, rot away!

But this is not the way of a LIFE HERO. A LIFE HERO rises, learns, adapts, takes courage, doubles down, improves, takes back control, digs in, and turns it around. This is true for our mental health, our finances, our relationships, and our health.

So, join me on the LIFE HERO weekend, the only true reality-based personal development weekend in the world. It is uncompromising, challenging, inspiring, real-world, and direct. Just what is needed to take back control, get clear, and be confident.

Watch Alistair talk through mind map explainer of the LIFE HERO weekend…

This event is for you if…

  • You want more clarity

  • You want more confidence

  • You want to take back control

  • You want to stop wasting time and take massive leaps forward

  • You want to stop the frustrating and repetitive ground hog loops of subpar relationships, health and success

  • You want to install and new reality based mind tool kit that empowers you to overcome anything

  • You keep playing it small and not getting ahead and want to learn how to 10x yourself so you can achieve 10x goals in self, success, health and relationships.

  • You use or try and use the common coping strategies of meditation and mindfulness etc are looking for more powerful methods that actually empower you to handle life stresses.

  • You've lost your spark for life and want to re-ignite it, get passionate and excited, and make shit happen again.

  • Your bad habits are letting you down, and you are seeking clarity on how to break them and install the ones you actually need to get ahead.

  • You want to take pride in who you are and step up and be what you know you can be.

  • You overthink and want to start taking the actions needed instead of looping your thoughts.

  • It's time for a revival of purpose and direction.

  • You've read the books and taken courses, but they have yet to deliver the practical steps you need to make the changes you want.

  • You feel that you are just constantly putting out fires rather than dealing with the source of problems.

  • There is too much noise in your head, emotions, and life, and you can't hear the messages from your deeper self about what is right or wrong or what decisions to make.

  • You set well-intentioned goals but keep ending up pretty much where you started.

  • You are thinking of going on a retreat or getaway to 'recalibrate', but know that you need something more substantial that actually makes a change.

So how exactly is LIFE HERO going to benefit you…

Over 2 days you will focus on the 5 core areas that will actually ‘move the needle’ with your success, health and relationships.

  1. Understand the signals from your ‘deeper self’ easily with no new age or weird belief systems attached so that your decisions are clear, accurate and worthy of your best self. (It becomes common sense when you get it).

  2. Learn the practical Leap Don’t Loop thinking and behaviour strategies needed to make real change. (LIFE HERO is all about realistic optimism. We have an inspirationally optimistic and hopeful outlook and also understand the practical, reality-based steps we need to engage with).

  3. Implement 10X Goal setting and 10X Identity Transformation. (10X has become a popular term, but how do you actually implement this thinking system so that you can take massive success leaps that make many of your current problems simply disappear? LIFE HERO gives you the practical way.

  4. Learn the life-changing 3 Hero Model of change that has profoundly impacted thousands of lives. You will discover how to harness your ‘3 inner heroes’ and make immediate transformations to your past, present and future.

  5. Personally experience the subconscious mind reprogramming techniques (hypnosis, NLP and mind training) required to update the 95% of your mind that is running the show—your subconscious mind.

  6. Use easy-to-use self-evaluation tools to clearly understand where to apply your efforts so that your actions become both effective and efficient in making the changes you need to achieve real and meaningful outcomes in success, health, and relationships.

You will…

💡 Limited spots available—reserve yours for a 2 day event that will re-ignite and re-shape your life and success trajectory



Westfield Suites
Bondi Junction


29 - 30 JUNE 2024

Or Divide into 2 payments of $550 upon booking.

With life hero you transform your past, harness your future and live a truly powerful now.